Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
Install MultiView
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488 lines
; $VER: Install MultiView 3.0 (17.09.97)
; Installer script for MultiView.
(set #english-lang 1)
(set #polish-lang 2)
; Get current language (no need for lots of silly icons! ;). However, this
; won't properly work for all versions of the Installer. Some don't
; understand the language "default" in the tool types... :/
(if (= (exists "Env:Language") 1)
; GetEnv reports "String too long" if the variable doesn't exist! :/
; Dunno if this is fixed in V43... But we need to check anyway.
(set @language (getenv "language"))
; English strings
(set #default-lang #english-lang)
(set #builtin-lang "(built in)")
(set #bad-kick
"You must have AmigaOS Release 2.04 or higher to use MultiView."
(set #install-parts "Please select the parts you wish to install")
(set #item-program "MultiView")
(set #item-library "FileID.library")
(set #item-guide "MultiView.guide")
(set #item-locale "Translations")
(set #parts-header-help
" Here you select the different parts of MultiView that you would like to "
"install. After that, you select the details of the installation (such as "
"where the different files should be installed). You may choose to install "
"the following items:\n"
(set #item-program-help
" MultiView: This program is a relacement for C= MultiView and should be "
"installed in SYS:Utilities/ directory.\n"
(set #item-library-help
" FileID.library: This library contains filetype recognizing functions.\n"
(set #item-guide-help
" MultiView.guide: The manual, in AmigaGuide® format. It contains "
"some general information about MultiView.\n"
(set #item-local-help
" Translations: If you install a translation, then MultiView "
"and FileID.library can operate in the language(s) you select.\n"
(set #parts-footer-help
" For more information about these items, please see the manual.\n"
; Only for expert users
(set #where-library "Where would you like to install FileID.library?")
(set #where-library-help
" FileID.library is a shared library. As such, MultiView"
"(and applications using it) expects this file to be "
"avilable via the \"Libs:\"-assign, so please install this "
"file into the \"Libs:\" drawer, or make sure that the "
"drawer you install it in will be a part of your "
(set #where-guide "Where would you like to install MultiView.guide?")
(set #where-guide-help
" MultiView.guide is a file in the standard AmigaGuide® format. "
"As MultiView currently makes specific use of this file, you can install "
"it whereever you find convenient. If you have OS 3.0 or higher, "
"one such place is \"Help:\", as this is where other AmigaGuide® "
"files often are installed.\n"
; Only for expert users, and an icon wasn't found
(set #copy-guide-icon "Do you want to install the icon for MultiView.guide?")
(set #copy-guide-icon-help
" Since you stated that you are an expert user, and there currently "
"is no icon for MultiView.guide where you selected to install it, "
"you get a chance to decide if the icon should be installed as well.\n"
(set #which-language "Which languages should be installed?")
(set #which-language-help
" The Amiga can be operated in many different languages. If you "
"want MultiView to use the same language as your Amiga Workbench, "
"then a couple of catalog files must be copied to your harddisk "
"for each language supported.\n"
" To reduce the amount of space consumed by the language files, "
"you can select to have only the files of specific languages "
" Simply check the boxes of the languages you wish to have have "
"available on your system.\n"
(set #copy "Copying %s to %s...")
; Polish strings
(if (= @language "polski")
(set #default-lang #polski-lang)
(set #builtin-lang "(wbudowany)")
(set #bad-kick
"Musisz mieê system w wersji przynajmniej 2.04."
(set #install-parts "Wybierz czëôci, które chcesz zainstalowaê")
(set #item-program "MultiView")
(set #item-library "FileID.library")
(set #item-guide "MultiView.guide")
(set #item-locale "Tîumaczenia")
(set #parts-header-help
" Tu moûesz wybraê poszczególne czëôci pakietu do zainstalowania. Potem "
"wybierzesz gdzie chcesz je zainstalowaê. Do wyboru masz :\n"
(set #item-program-help
" MultiView: Ten program jest zamiennikiem dla starego MultiView-a napisanego "
"jeszcze przez ludzi z Commodore. Powinieneô zainstalowaê go w katalogu SYS:Utilties.\n"
(set #item-library-help
" FileID.library: Ta biblioteka zawiera funkcje do rozpoznawania plików.\n"
(set #item-guide-help
" MultiView.guide: Dokumentacja w formacie AmigaGuide®.\n"
(set #item-local-help
" Tîumaczenia: Jeôli chcesz by MultiView i FileID.library mogîy "
"byê z polskimi komunikatami musisz zainstalowaê odpowiednie katalogi.\n\n"
(set #parts-footer-help
" Dodatkowe informacje znajdziesz w dokumentacji.\n"
; Only for expert users
(set #where-program "Gdzie chcesz zainstalowaê gîówny program?")
(set #where-program-help
" MultiView: Ten program jest zamiennikiem dla starego MultiView-a napisanego "
"jeszcze przez ludzi z Commodore. Powinieneô zainstalowaê go w katalogu SYS:Utilties.\n"
(set #where-library "Gdzie chcesz zainstalowaê FileID.library?")
(set #where-library-help
" FileID.library jest zwykîâ bibliotekâ. MultiView "
"i inne programy spodziewajâ sië, ûe znajdâ jâ w Libs:, tak wiëc "
"musisz jâ zainstalowaê do katalogu bëdâcego czëôciâ twej kolekcji bibliotek.\n"
(set #where-guide "Gdzie chcesz zainstalowaê MultiView.guide?")
(set #where-guide-help
" MultiView.guide jest plikiem w standardzie AmigaGuide®. "
"Proponowanym miejscem jest HELP:\n"
(set #copy-guide-icon "Czy chcesz zainstalowaê ikonë dla MultiView.guide?")
(set #which-language "Które jëzyki powinny byê zainstalowane ?")
(set #copy "Kopiujë %s do %s...")
; The actual installation script
; First some initializations
; Check Kickstart version. Exit if not at least 2.04
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
; Since files are scatter installed, don't mention any specific location.
(set @default-dest "")
; Request proportinal fonts, if supported. This string is
; prepended to the first askoptions choice.
(if (>= @installer-version 2752518) ; 42 * 65536 + 6
; At least version 42.6
(set #propfont "p")
; Pre V42
(set #propfont "")
(set #item-num-lib 1)
(set #item-num-prog 2)
(set #item-num-guide 4)
(set #item-num-locale 8)
; Find out default values for parts to install
(set #install-default (BITOR #item-num-prog #item-num-lib #item-num-guide))
; Locale installed?
(if (AND (= 2 (exists "Locale:" (noreq))) (< 0 (getversion "locale.library" (resident))))
(set #install-default (BITOR #install-default #item-num-locale))
; Everything ready
; Ask the user what to install
(set #install-files
(prompt #install-parts)
(help #parts-header-help
#parts-footer-help "\n"
(cat #propfont #item-program)
(default #install-default)
; Ask the user for the location of all parts
(set #program-dest "SYS:Utilities")
; Location for MultiView program (for experts)
(if (AND (= @user-level 2) (BITAND #install-files #item-num-prog))
(set #program-dest
(prompt #where-program)
(help #where-program-help "\n" @askdir-help)
(default #program-dest)
(set #library-dest "Libs:")
; Location for FileID.library (for experts)
(if (AND (= @user-level 2) (BITAND #install-files #item-num-lib))
(set #library-dest
(prompt #where-library)
(help #where-library-help "\n" @askdir-help)
(default #library-dest)
; Location for MultiView.guide
(if (BITAND #install-files #item-num-guide)
(set #guide-dest "Work:")
(if (exists "Help:")
(set #guide-dest "Help:")
(set #guide-dest
(prompt #where-guide)
(help #where-guide-help "\n" @askdir-help)
(default #guide-dest)
(set #dest-guide-name (tackon #guide-dest "Visage.guide.info"))
(set #guide-icon
(if (AND (= @user-level 2 ) (= (exists #dest-guide-name) 0))
(prompt #copy-guide-icon)
(help #copy-guide-icon-help " ")
0 ; Default is to not copy the icon
; .ct
; Which languages should be installed?
(if (BITAND #install-files #item-num-locale)
(set #lang
(prompt #which-language)
(help #which-language-help "\n" @askoptions-help)
(cat #propfont "Deutsch")
(cat "English " #builtin-lang)
(default #default-lang)
; Everything set up. Now do the actual installation
(complete 0)
(if (BITAND #install-files #item-num-prog)
(prompt (#copy "MultiView" #program-dest))
(source "MultiView")
(dest #program-dest)
(prompt (#copy "MultiView" #program-dest))
(source "MultiView.info")
(dest #program-dest)
(complete 20)
(if (BITAND #install-files #item-num-lib)
(prompt (#copy "FileID.library" #library-dest))
(source "libs/FileID.library")
(dest #library-dest)
(complete 60)
(if (BITAND #install-files #item-num-guide)
(set #guide-source
(tackon (tackon "Docs/" @language) "MultiView.guide")
(prompt (#copy "MultiView.guide" #guide-dest))
(source #guide-source)
(dest #guide-dest)
(if #guide-icon
(prompt (#copy "MultiView.guide.info" #guide-dest))
(source (tackon (tackon "Docs/" @language) "MultiView.guide.info"))
(dest #guide-dest)
(complete 75)
; .ct
(if (BITAND #install-files #item-num-locale)
(set #n 0)
(set #language
(select #n
(if (AND (IN #lang #n) (<> #language "English"))
(set #catalog
(tackon "Catalogs"
(tackon #language "MultiView.catalog")
(set #destination (tackon "Locale:Catalogs/" #language))
(if (exists #catalog)
(prompt (#copy #catalog #destination))
(source #catalog)
(dest #destination)
(set #catalog
(tackon "Catalogs"
(tackon #language "FileID_lib.catalog")
(if (exists #catalog)
(prompt (#copy #catalog #destination))
(source #catalog)
(dest #destination)
(set #n (+ #n 1))
(complete 100)